
The kneeling event

Reported on 23, April, 2010. Arizona, US.

A strange incidence occured in the Chinese city named Dalian Zhuanghe. It is related that thousands of people kneeled in front of the government, which make us ponder on Chinese ancestors what is the ritual of kneel.

Well, now two net friends (网友) criticized the act of kneel associated with Chinese people, make it rebound the "heroic deed" that Deputy Mayor of Shandong Province kneeled on corruption in 2005. It is worthwhile studying the historical and cultural traditions hidden behind the simple kneeling. If one asks the how far can this worship traced back, the answer would be surprising. For the earliest written records of the kneeler be found, was Hsuanyuan Huangdi (黄帝), the very ancestor of Chinese ethnics. Recordings in Zhuangzi - Tian You stated that Huangdi, went to inquire the truth to Guang Liang Zi, in Mount Kung Tung, that he "kneeled in", and bidded farewell by "reworshiped, and kneeled out". Nowadays the relics of monastry sites of Guang Liang Zi still remains in Ping Liang, Gantzu. That kneeling was already widespread in Huangdi Era.

In Spring and Autumn Era, kneeling had been an established ritual, and under strict system. King Zhou Zhuang, rendered sacrifice cookings to Duke, with special care that Duke needed not to kneel for he was in advanced age. But Duke Huan persisted in his kneeling, and bowed down repeatedly: "By the compassion by the Majesty, how can I avoid the ritual?"

Another kneeling thing, surprisingly, that Qin Shi Huang kneeled for mercy to a tiny  commoner. In the book Tang Ju Haven't Failed His Mission, said very clearly, Qin exterminated Han and Wei nations, and very eager to swallow peacefully Anling, vassal of Wei. Qin Shi Huang cheated that he would be willing to change Anling of 50 miles with 500 miles of terrain. Anling King missioned Tang Ju to visit powerful Qin, while Qin Shi Huang showed his true colors. Tang Ju thrusted his sword and stepped on the imperil the Qin Shi Huang, who under husty fear kneeled down quite a while for mercy. This happened just four years before Qin Shi Huang exterminated all the six vassals and controlled whole China under unity.

In the Five era times (remaining Dynasty Tang), as chair was introduced to China from "western" vassal lands, kneeling itself had a subtle change. The Chinese ancestors used to sit on the ground, to kneel is just to shift the gravity forward, so there was little difference between sitting and kneeling. With the chair, the elegant high chair, the dignity is far higher than the kneeler. That is being to say that kneeling began to take a stigma of inferiority in itself.

Issue also well known was during the Qian Long reign in Qing Dynasty, in the Macartney Event, in 1793. The Britain sent a mission to China, by celebrating Qian Long's 80 anniversary, and wished to negociate to expand the trade issues. Qianlong was then in summer resort Cheng De, the "Dragon" Qianlong was simply enthusiasted and decided to host the negotiation in Cheng De, being an exception. He ordered his cunning official Heshen to organize the reception, the meals, living and entertainment was rich, and extra rewards were also prepared. Who knows that just before the negotiation two parties diametrically opposed on one issue: the kneeling ritual. Qing government think of themselves as "heavenly nation", allowing all the outsiders and primilages to worship the ritual. But the British only willing to kneel on one leg, refused to bow down. Qianlong was very unhappy, not only did not mention the expansion of trade, but also set deadline for mission's leaving. However, within less than 5 years, the British artillery opened the large-Qing's door to trade protectionism.

However, when we are confidently entering the 21st century, in Chian reappears nowhere the kneeling incidence. I feel complex and embarrased. Kneeling is the characteristic of the Chinese ethnics or the common human society? Human being has this same "slavity"? The answer is no. What is the reason that makes us so entrenched? This is something our "research" is going on.

The marvellous EXPO Shanghai

Reported on 19, April, 2010, Arizona, US. The ongoing EXPO Shanghai has attracted the world's concern, the developing China is moving forward to the rank of developed countries, the opening EXPO ,with the slogan "In the city, we live better" is just on the corner. No matter the Russian art museum, of Spain museum full of use of ratten, and Netherlands' happy air castle, the Swiss museum coated in soybean, there are quite some marvels shown in the opening.


Visit to North Korea, a mysterious country

Reported on 19, April, 2010, Arizona, USA.
For most of the Chinese, the North Korea is a "familiar but strange" neighbor, we are so close, yet so mysterious. The first Chinese tourist group arrived at Pyongyang's Soonsan Airport safely, on 12, April, 2010. Neven been before, there was many rumors and hearsays, for example, in DPRK (North Korea) no access to Internet, taking photo limited (well, I admit asians like taking photo), and even no cell phone signal. But when you there, you can find large green gardens, people are kind and very positive. In Pyongyang there is even a casino, but for american peers, maybe they are more difficult to get a visa and visit there lol.

That is the legendary 38 line, between north and south korean.

Propaganda slogan in DPRK, like those also in China in late 1970s.

The first group left Beijing for North Korea, mainly elder veterans and middle-aged + people, they visited Pyongyang, Kaesong, Myohyang-san, etc. and even have the opportunity to visit the military demarcation line. The most significant feature of this tour maybe the JUCHE TOWER, where the body of King Il Sung is placed, and his former residence in Mangyongdae, and a friendship tower China-North Korea. A 71-year-old Cantonese visitor, Uncle Gao, exclamed "At least I have been here, I was longing for years to see what the same socialist country North Korea is like." All the group visitors were chatting about the hearsays of the mysterious nation.

Though China and North Korea have signed an agreement of tourism recently, but backpackers are still forbidden whereas you must go with an authorized travel agency.

The elder people used to have a special sensation towards DPRK, due to the partnership in the hard days of Korean War, when Chinese and North Korean troops defeated the US jointly.

So once the new agreement is signed, the first day, 395 visitors from over 10 provinces have hurrily payed for the tour, and begin to prepare for their first journey. Especially during the long vacation of 5.1 Labour Day.

About the price, well it is reported to be vastly diversed, depend on the travel agency. An operator said that due to the new launch of the itinerary, the price is relatively high, "double-fly 4 days package" is USD$ 700, "double-train 6 days", is about USD$ 500. This does not include the tips and the go and back to Beijing.

DPRK is usually proud of its "3000 miles landscape", with rich natural resources, but many Chinese' main interest is upon the politics and society views. A 4-day trip may contains mainly Pyongyang, Kaesong City, Myohyang-san, and Wanshoutai Grand Monument, Chollima bronze statue, the Arc de Triomphe (yes, the DPRK version), Kim Il Sung Square (distorted by so many western reportage), sino-korean friendship tower, international friendship exhibitions, Kaesong Koryo Museum and other attractions.

Well look at some photos, wish you like it

A DPRK casino.

Bybing Noodle

Memorial to Those in Yushu Earthquake

Reported on 19, April, 2010, Arizona, US.

A China government collection of donation logo for YUSHU earthquake, Chinese: Yushu never fails.

The corpse of Hong Kong hero volunteer Huang Fu Rong, dead in the rescue, guarded by mainland military back to HK.

Hu Jintao, sympathizing a girl rescued.

Tibetan monks renders buddist ceremonies to the dead souls

A man rescued from ruins.

 Our beloved Wen Jia bao talking to an elder rescued.

Tibetan villagers came to rescue.

Look at these photos. I mean to be neutral, but I try to involve a little about politics. Last year, in the great earthquake in Chile and Haiti, I was working in Peru, then volunteers gathered up mass activities for donations to the victims. There was also wide coverage on TV calling for donations and so on. I was also proud of being a volunteer in gathering the donations from China to Chile. We saw the reports on CNN, they also widely asked for donations to earthquake regions. But when earthquake in China, western media seem to "forgot" it.

I have to doubt, when they were talking about human rights in Tibet, they coined up so much pictures and exaggerated reports, they were so excited like being injected an anfitamine. But nowadays, before the disaster, where are they? If they really "care".

I just want to say that CHARITY, CARE, LOVE, WELFARE, DEMOCRACY are universal, all these bondads should not be biased and double-standard. If they really "care".

I think nowadays western media is abound of irrational racists, against Blacks, against Islamic, against Chinese, for political propaganda. Turn on the television, you may feel that all the world is in disaster, car-bombings, terrorists, human rights, tyranny, only the white man world is Lord, but is that true?

That is not what democracy likes, that is fear, xenofobia, racism..

Stop media prejudice, exaggerated and false reports, it can cheat people in ten years, they may support you to fight a Irak war, fight a Tibet war, fight Iran war(they are preparing for the last two), for the government, for the military and oil magnates' interestes, but do they really care about the tax-payers and those people in those countries, do they really "care"?

Moreover, it will also distort a new generation for hundreds of years, that is not responsible for our sons and grandsons for their early education.

I discussed this with another T-bird peer, he said, who cares, the activists really care, they are good. But not the government, they government and media just tell you "who" to care about.

Ok, welcome disagree voices.

Housing issues in Chinese city

(Chinese: Whole people discussion: A solution to China's housing price bubble)

Reported on 19, April, 2010, from Arizona. Chongqing, a southwestern city of China, also referred to as the "montainous city"on 12, April, a soothing rainy cold day alliviated somehow Chongqing's drought weather. The municipal mayor stated in the interview with "Economics Reference" on the house price issue in Chongqing. China is witnessing a roaring house price due to the vast amount of investment money rushing to the real state market. A booming economy has dragged the house price to extremely high, in first-line cities (一线城市) like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc. purchasing a house in downtown area is not any cheaper than in Manhattan or New York.

During the interview, the mayor casually grabbed up 6 cigarettes and the eloquence and confidence have deeply impressed the journalist. He said, in a market, where the real estate is getting up roaring all day long, metropolitan residents can no longer afford a house. In Shanghai, even it appears that white-collar employees moved to small cities. They once came to big cities with aspirations, but leaving with disappointment and sad. The mayor has a deep worry: this kind of brain drain is hazardous to a developing city.
Nowadays in China, the emergence of 公租房 (public rent house) has being a focus of discussing nationwide. The mayor said if all the officials can brainstorm somehow, the real estate soaring problem can finally find a solutions.

"On the high-end houses we should intensify our efforts to collect taxes."
Mayor Huang: public rent housing (PRH) is a great reform related to livelihood of the people. Since the 1950s to 1980s, under the China's planned economy model, the public housing came out a failure. That made all the officials and masses were living under poor conditions. Reforms and globalizations in the 1990s, we began to practice the land leased to public housing and new houses as commercial houses. Under the sheer track of market housing. Similarly, the pure track of market housing is also unreasonable. Always 30% to 40% can not afford housing, migrant workers and new grads can not afford a house rated even USD$ 600 per square meter. If make them really afford a house, a real estate comercialization is not sufficient.

Local government seems to coin out a lot of ideas, we found a way to engage low-cost housing. But who bought the low-cost housings are low-income families, they account for 3-4% in any city, that is to say, low-cost housings can not cater to majority populace.

In late 1990s, "Affordable housing (经济适用房)" was introduced as a guaranteed property, this kind of house can not be resold within first five years of purchase. But precisely AH has undergone a major conflict of interest and gray transactions. The so-called AH is the allocation of real estate, without receiving any tax, any matching fee and no real estate agency profits. For example, a house costs USD$ 700/square meter in the market, AH just costs USD$ 400. In the time of soaring house prices, up in five years, an AH house becomes USD$ 1500/square meter. And the property owner can resell. Go up at premium, the owner can simply quadruple the price. The income certificate of low-income households are managed by Internal Ministry, the fraud is difficult. But comprehensive meaning of "low-income", who can manage that? Every company manager can sign a "low-income certificate" for his employees, this is proven to be unavailable.

At this time, we propose a new system: a two-track system (双轨制), 30-40% of housing being PRH, and 60-70% housing belong to AH system. Then we can systematically bring PRH, AH and low-cost housing together.

If not the two-track system, even if the property tax is collected, it is not available. For all means, in developed countries, a considerable proportion of people live in rent houses.(Any source for american peers?) In America  for example, 65% of people buy house and 35% of people rent house. In Singapore, almost 50% of people live in rent houses and 50% buy houses. Why in a country like China will not like this? Therefore, the way to protect housing is not by private houses. Otherwise it will be a bottomless pit for nation's revenues.

I asked about my peers who study real estate, they say:

In America, normally, houses are in urban-rural frontiers, so-called less comercialized areas. Second, the constructors can not earn more than basic construction revenues. Third, these houses are sold according to anti-fraud low-income people. The most crucial point, if a low-incomer buys the house, anyway he want to resell, he can only resell it to a new low-incomer in his region. The specific way: the New York real estate board recovers the house and resell it to a new low-incomer. Fifth, in this process, all the transaction do not generate any revenue, that is to say, government will not collect any tax upon it. These are five clear principles, whereas a market-oriented way of housing will bring in a too chaotic protection and no succes..

China's healthcare campaign

Reported on 19, April, 2010, Arizona. It is reported that China will widen the coverage of baseline medicines, that is to say, in more than 60% of administrative coverage, the basic healthcare will be gradually practiced. Another change may come out that the structure of state-owned hospitals will undergo a reform, that Chinese are investigating privatize some of the state-owned hospitals to private and lucrative ones.

In China, there are two healthcare systems respectively for the urban and rural citizens. The most challenging is to raise the "insurance medical funds management". To make the urban and rural residents enjoy the same medical insurance under same expenses, a system called "结报(immediate reinburse)". That all the medical expenses are paid by disease and payroll. In the past, tragedies take place when poor families (concentrated in rural areas where there is no complete healthcare reforms) are unable to afford emergencies and chronic diseases, that pacient has no choice rather than wait. China is now investigating a new way to mix the urban and rural area healthcare reforms, seek to find a solution.

An important pace is to change some of the state-owned clinics to private ones and optimize the structure of staff and funds management.

These reforms are firstly trial in only 16 cities in different regions, if the outcome is good, larger coveage will be undergoing.

I am reading also some measures of US healthcare reforms, welcome to anyone who can support with some materials.